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Friday, April 17, 2015

Gotchas!: Running Sage 50 Accounting from Hyper-V VM

Good day to all. Recently, while working on the infrastructure of one of my clients, I was in the process of migrating their platform to Hyper-V. I needed to have the old server converted to a VM and this was easy to do using MVMC 3.1. Once the P2V was done, and after dealing with the boot issues, the VM loaded up fine and the path was clear to make the old server into a virtual host. However, upon later testing, it turned out that Sage 50 was running incredibly slow, to the point where it was exceedingly impaired. After tearing my hair out about this for about an hour, it turned out that the Broadcom NIC VM queue issue was rearing it's ugly head at me once again, which I found especially irritating since the driver version I had installed on the virtual host supposedly fixed this. Disable this setting in the Hyper-V console (or do the "proper" VMQ configuration if you have to use it) and all should be well.